
Cloud Native

Why enterprises should embrace cloud native

As per a recent World Economic Forum report, two-thirds of the world’s major enterprises would not survive after next 25 years. Enterprises need to transform themselves to survive the disruption originating from fast paced technology evolution that both reduce the entry barrier for new age challengers and increase customer expectations.

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Traits of 21st-Century Enterprise

What is Cloud Native

Cloud native is an approach for building and running applications that exploits cloud computing delivery model. Cloud native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications for diverse environments like public, private or hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, micro services, immutable infrastructure and declarative APIs exemplify this approach. Cloud native is about speed and agility that is achieved on key pillars of cloud infrastructure; micro services based application architecture; modern design principles (e.g. twelve-factor application); containerisation for software packaging; automation in configuration & deployments and Cloud native enabling services Enterprise software development.

Cloud Native is not only building applications for cloud infrastructure, rather these are set of practices that enable scalability, agility and resilience within culture of organisation. These practices not only impact working of technology team within enterprise but are foundation around which all department of enterprise need to be realigned enabling enterprise to remain relevant and competitive.

Cloud Native Technologies Landscape

There are multiple visualisations for landscape of cloud native technologies, platforms and solutions. Cloud Native computing foundation (CNCF) has over 1100 registered companies offering solutions across different categories of landscape.

Figure below depicts landscape of cloud native technologies used across software deployment, service deployment and service operation phases.

Cloud Native Landscape

SW Development
Micro Service Platforms
vertx django molecular spring
Mobile APP Platforms
react-native flutter
Databases (SQL, NoSQL)
s3 cassandra mariadb MongoDB infuxdb
Data Eng. Platforms
flink nifi kafka spark infuxdb
AI/ML Platforms
causalml shap pytorch tensorflow
Service Delivery
SW Build Platforms
helm docker
Orchestration Platforms
volcano kubernetes Mesos
CI/CD Tools
Jenkin GitHub maven
Service Proxy, Mesh
kafka rabbitMQ
API Gateway
Service Operations
Service Provisioning
Chef_logo Puppet
Service Monitoring
prometheus Grafana thanos
Service Debug, Optimise
fluentd logstash jaeger
Security & Compliance
Key Management
HW Infrastructure
AWS Cloud
GCS Cloud
Azure Cloud
Tier2 Cloud Providers
On Premise HW

Benefits of the Cloud Native Approach

Applications developed in the cloud will naturally perform well in this environment, ultimately letting you leverage everything it has to offer. What exactly will you gain once you decide to invest in the cloud-native approach?.

In our view Enterprises need to whole heartedly embrace cloud native to stay relevant and stay competitive.

We at IKTARA have built competencies to help enterprises accelerate their cloud journey. We provide consulting, design, development, deployment & operation services to clients worldwide. Please get in touch at for any queries or suggestions and we would be happy to engage with you.