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Demystifying buzz about AI

Human dream of creating intelligent machines that can mimic human brain is not new. The term artificial intelligence was first coined in 1956 & first neural network (ANN) was invented in 1958. Over last six decades AI has gone through natural evolution with multiple hype cycles. In this blog we try to demystify current buzz about AI and ways in which AI can potentially transform human lives!

Home / Blogs / Demystifying buzz about AI
12/1/2022,10:25 AM

Indicators of AI technologies on accelerated growth path!

AI technologies required to store, process and share large amount of data. Impact of AI technologies have increased many fold in recent times due to a) reduced cost per byte of storage, b) reduced cost per byte of network bandwidth and c) reduced cost per instruction execution by processor. This has been possible due to evolution in telecom technologies (e.g. 5G), storage technologies (e.g. SSD) and AI chipsets (e.g. NVIDIA GPUs).

According to McKinsey report ‘Technology Trends for 2022’, the potential annual impact from AI is $10 to $15 trillion. Following are few indicators of AI technologies on accelerated growth path.

What are the most noteworthy AI technologies?

Wide range of technologies and use cases are clubbed together in umbrella of AI technologies, below is a brief summary on some of most noteworthy AI technologies.

New Frontiers for AI technologies

While evolution is taking place a fast pace in all technologies listed in the previous sections. AI world has open up to new frontiers being addressed with high energies by stakeholders in both academics and industry. We expect fast paced movement resulting in creation of new AI technologies for these frontiers.

We at IKTARA have built competencies to help enterprises accelerate their AI journey. We provide consulting, design, development, deployment & operation services to clients worldwide. Please get in touch at for any queries or suggestions, we would be happy to engage with you.